Jan 2, 2011

形状万花筒 Shapes Vol. 3 - 三思而行 Look Before You Leap

The virtue of hard work and perseverance is the theme for this third and final series of Shapes Chinese Books.  Not only will they learn new vocabulary and improve their Chinese, these stories each reinforce the concept that working hard always reaps rewards and never give up until you achieve your goals!

Includes a FREE DVD with a sample Mandarin episode from the TV series.

6 Books in 1 Box Set
Book Titles:
1.       Barn Mouse and Country Mouse  野鼠和家鼠
2.       The Mischievous Tiger  顽皮的小老虎
3.       The Playful Flies 贪玩的小苍蝇
4.       The Beaver’s Dam  河狸筑坝
5.       The Moose and the Fly  三条鲇鱼
6.       The Cat and the Mouse  老鼠和猫

•         Large characters for easy word recognition
•         Selected pinyin for more challenging words
•         Text and picture separation for enhanced reading experience
•         Colorful and attractive illustrations to sustain interest
•         Moral page at the end for further discussion
•         Full pinyin guide and English translation at the back for reference

书名: Shapes Chinese books Volume 3 - 三思而行 Look Before You Leap
售价(新币): $45
(For a box of 6 books
规格:平装/ 28 页 / 19.5 * 19.5 cm

Postage rate:
Below S$80 - S$2
Above S$80, Free delivery within Singapore
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