Dec 4, 2010

About Rapid Flashing

Rapid Flashing: A Key To Unlocking Genius

Let's look at the power of rapid flashing. Researchers of accelerated learning techniques, brain and memory development tell us we havefar more capacity to learn than previously thought.

he brain has a memory capacity over a million times greater than the world’s most powerful computer! They say almost anyone can learn to utilize this awesome capacity. Some have developed unique brain based learning methods to help you establish and strengthen the right and left brain pathways and discover your genius abilities such as develop photographic memory, accelerated rapid thought processes, improve vocabulary, learn any subject faster, and more.

Research into Rapid Flashing and Flash Card Games

According to research and work with thousands of children, researchers, such as Glenn Doman of The Institutes for the Achievement of HumanPotential, proved that children, who did not have predestined inborn genius capabilities, were yet able to develop them by having clear, accurately rendered pictures and in
formation presented to them with the greatest possible speed. They discovered that young children can be taught anything and everything if they are provided the right environment and techniques. We call this accelerated learning method: Rapid Flashing.

In addition, education experts in other parts of the world proved that extraordinary abilities can be developed in ordinary children by quickly displaying flash cards with one fact and picture at a time. They found abilities such 
as rapid calculating abilities and photographic memory emerge when both left and right brain function is properly stimulated and developed.

These natural abilities are possible because the right brain's mass-memory, automatic processing capability allows instant absorption of photographic images, tactile objects and sound bites. The left brain provides systematic, logical and orderly thought functions. When bothare coupled together through strong neural networks, instant genius abilities can manifest as well as an increase of creativity.

The Accelerated Learning Flash Card Games

The computer and printed rapid flash card games were carefully designed to help increase neurological stimulation and development between the left brain right brain hemispheres. They can enhance a child's natural abilities in early word/sound/object recognition, comprehension and vocabulary. They also can help unlock abilities such as rapid thought processes and photographic memory in those of any age and learning ability.

According to accelerated learning child education expert Dr. Makato Shichida, rapid flashing changes the neural networks of the brain. A huge quantity of input (right brain) creates positive changes in the quality of output (left brain). In effect, you can become a creative genius!

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Click here to preview Super Flash PC Game

Click here to download Super Flash Progress / Game Charts

Click here to download Super Flash Learner Awards