Dec 7, 2010

脑力加油站 Memory Magic PC Games

Do you know our brain has a memory capacity over a million times greater than the world’s most powerful computer!?

This computer and printed rapid flash card games were carefully designed to help increase neurological stimulation and development between the left brain right brain hemispheres. They can enhance a child's natural abilities in early word/sound/object recognition, comprehension and vocabulary.

They also can help unlock abilities such as rapid thought processes and photographic memory in those of any age and learning ability.

Silly Story & Follow That Dot PC Game CD
* Photographic Memory
* Lightning Fast Memory Recall
* Right-brain Creativity 

Price: S$24.90 (Free delivery within Singapore)
Silly Game Details 
Follow That Dot Details

Super Flash PC Game CD
* Photographic Memory
* Instant Object-Word-Sound Recognition
* Lightning Fast Memory Recall

Price: S$24.90 (Free delivery within Singapore)
Super Flash Details