Linking memory is an accelerated learning method that can be traced all the way back to the early Greeks. Back then, public speakers had the ability to remember tremendous quantities of information and relay it to the waiting crowds. How did they do it?
They did it by linking their stories together with the help of visual metaphors. |
Today, experts in child development and accelerated learning call this technique, "Image Memory Training", "Memory Linking" or "Clustering." Today, it's used in hundreds of schools throughout Asia with tremendous success. (Throughout this topic, we'll refer to it as "Memory Linking.") Using this method develops the imaging power of the right brain mind, helping you naturally gain access to the same creative resources that some call a "flash of genius".
As odd as it may sound, the memory linking technique also helps children become accustomed to thinking habits that go beyond common sense logic. According to experts, developing "out-of-the-box" thought processes accesses right brain imaging power and ignites abilities that can lead to great discoveries or unique solutions to problems that defy logical reasoning. I've seen children (who have been using this method regularly) come up with the most incredible creative and ingenious ideas that I certainly couldn't have figured out. That's right brain creativity. Try it yourself!
One way to utilize this method is explained by Dr. Shichida, Director of over 400 Child Academies in Japan: "In our classrooms," he says, "the teacher places 10 different pictographic cards on a whiteboard. The student starts to connect the cards to each other with a story, which creates a picture in the mind facilitating memorization." He says with practice, "Students no longer need the verbal connections. They can easily remember 40 to 50 images. For many kids even 100 cards aren't a problem."
“ I can copy a page into my head if i look at it for an instant. Then i read it in my head even though the book is closed." Mihara, a 7-year-old student of the Shichida Child Academy.
Don Campbell, in his book, Rhythms of Learning, says of Memory Linking: "While short-term memories can be stored as images, they are often stored by sound, especially in the recall of words and letters. In general, short-term memory has the ability to hold about seven bits of information. When related groups of information are bonded together, they may be remembered as one bit of information, and the volume that can be stored increases."
The researchers found that when humor or silliness are utilized with this method, almost anyone can remember 100 or more objects in perfect sequential order and usually very quickly.
The Silly Story, by telling children funny nonsensical stories to tie images together proved a very effective way of teaching anyone (even the very young) to accurately remember large amounts of information in sequential order.
In addition, this method daily with children has helped them increase creativity, develop true insight, exceptional memory, dynamic intuition and depth of knowledge.
Games to improve your memory like this use an ancient but simple concept. Yet in practice it can net very positive results in children and adults when used according to recommendations.
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