Dec 4, 2010

Vol. 3 Chinese Lyrics with English Translation

Song Order Chinese Lyrics English Translation

1 歌名:欢喜和和气 Happy & Harmony

我有只小黄狗,名字叫欢喜 I have a little yellow dog. Its name is "Happy"

你有只小花猫,名字叫和气 You have a little cat. Its name is "Harmony"

欢欢喜喜做朋友,和和气气称兄弟 "Happy" and "Harmony" are good buddies

不论睡觉,不论游戏在一起 They are together no matter whether they are sleeping or playing

2 歌名:拔萝卜 Let's pull out the radish!

拔萝卜,拔萝卜 Let's pull out the radish. Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔萝卜 Hey yo! Hey yo! Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔不动 Hey Yo! Hey yo! Can't pull it out

老太婆快快来 Old Lady, please come quickly

快来帮我们拔萝卜 Please come quickly to help us pull out the radish

拔萝卜,拔萝卜 Let's pull out the radish. Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔萝卜 Hey yo! Hey yo! Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔不动 Hey Yo! Hey yo! Can't pull it out

小姑娘快快来 Little girl, please come quickly

快来帮我们拔萝卜 Please come quickly to help us pull out the radish

拔萝卜,拔萝卜 Let's pull out the radish. Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔萝卜 Hey yo! Hey yo! Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔不动 Hey Yo! Hey yo! Can't pull it out

小花猫快快来 Little cat, please come quickly

快来帮我们拔萝卜 Please come quickly to help us pull out the radish

拔萝卜,拔萝卜 Let's pull out the radish. Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔萝卜 Hey yo! Hey yo! Let's pull out the radish.

嘿哟!嘿哟!拔不动 Hey Yo! Hey yo! Can't pull it out

小黄狗快快来 Little yellow dog, please come quickly

快来帮我们拔萝卜 Please come quickly to help us pull out the radish

3 歌名:小白兔 Little white rabbit

小白兔,爱跳舞 Little white rabbit loves to dance

月光底下,学跳舞 It learns dancing under the moonlight.

时光一去不回,不要耽误,快快快 It is treasuring every moment of it.

朋友们大家快来,一起来跳舞,快快快 Everybody! Let's come and learn to dance together. Hurry up!

4 歌名:母鸭带小鸭 Mother duck and her ducklings

呱呱呱~呱呱呱~呱呱呱~ Quack.. Quack… Quack…

呱呱呱~呱呱呱~呱呱呱~ Quack.. Quack… Quack…

游来游去真快活,就是母鸭带小鸭 Mother duck is so happy to bring her little ducks out for a swim.

5 歌名:小蜜蜂 Little busy bee

嗡嗡嗡,嗡嗡嗡 (sound of the bees)

大家一起勤做工 All the bees working together

来匆匆,去匆匆 They came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

做工欣慰浓 They are satisfied to be working hard!

天暖花开不做工 If they don't work hard when the flowers are blooming during spring,

将来那里好过冬 they would have a hard time to pass winter.

嗡嗡嗡,嗡嗡嗡 (sound of the bees)

别学懒惰虫 Learn from the bees and hence not be a lazy worm.

6 歌名:我是只小小鸟 I am a little bird

我是只小小鸟, I am a little bird

飞就飞叫就叫, Flying and chirping is what I do.

自由逍遥. I have freedom to roam about.

我不知有忧愁, I do not know about worries

我不知有烦劳, I do not know about hardships

只是常欢笑 My life is always joyful and bright!

7 歌名:老鼠与猫 Little mouse and the cat

小老鼠上灯台,偷油脂,下不来 Little mouse goes up the lampstand to steal the oil. Ops! It cannot come down.

喵喵喵,猫来了,叽里咕噜滚下来 Meow, meow, meow. Here comes the cat. The mouse went rolling down.

小老鼠偷吃米,米缸大,摔下去 Little mouse steals the rice. The jar is huge and the mouse fell into it.

喵喵喵,猫来了,噼哩啪啦逃回去 Meow, meow, meow. Here comes the cat and the mouse manages to tumble out!

8 歌名:老乌鸦 Old raven

老乌鸦,年纪大,飞不动,跳不高 The raven is very old. She can neither fly nor jump.

躲在窝里呀呀叫 She hides in the nest and kept calling out

小乌鸦,身体好,捉到虫,找到肉 Young raven is strong and healthy. It's able to find worms and meat.

送给妈妈吃个饱 The raven fetches the food to his mother.

9 歌名:老鸡说小鸡 Old chicken versus little one

老鸡说小鸡 ,你这笨东西 Old chicken said to little chick, "You are a stupid thing."

我叫你唱咯咯 I asked you to sing this tune : "ger, ger, ger"

你偏要唱叽叽叽叽, Yet you are singing "ji, ji, ji"

10 歌名:小毛驴 Little donkey

我有一只小毛驴,我从来也不骑 I have a little donkey, but I had never ride on it.

有一天我心血来潮,骑着去赶鸡 One day, I feel like riding it to the market

我手里拿着小皮鞭,我心里真得意 I had a little whip on my hand. I felt so proud of myself.

不知怎么,哗啦啦..,我摔了一身泥 Who knows? I fell into the mud!

11 歌名:小马 Young horse

小马小马,摇着尾巴 The young horse is swaying its tail

跟着爸爸去玩耍 He follows its father to play

东边跑跑,西边跳跳 Running and skipping here and there.

泼哺哩,泼哺哩,跌一跤 and fell down!

小马小马,肚子饿了 The young horse is feeling hungry.

跟着妈妈去吃草 He follows his mother to feed on grass.

爬过小山,走过小桥 They cross the mountains and bridges

泼哺哩,泼哺哩,吃个饱 They had a great time filling their tummies!

12 歌名:小花猫 Cat song

咪咪小花猫,咪咪小花猫 Little pussy cat! Little pussy cat!

快来吃饭,快来吃饭 Come and eat some food! Come and eat some food!

快来这里,有鱼一条 Come here quickly. There's a fish for you.

喵~喵~,谢谢谢谢, "Meow, meow. Thank you……"

谢谢小小姐姐,喵~ "Little sister, thank you very much!"

13 歌名:蝉 Locust song

唧唧哦唧唧,你问我是什么人 (chirping of a criket) You asked me, "Who are you?"

唧唧哦唧唧,我却不能告诉你 (chirping of a criket) But I cannot tell you.

唧唧哦唧唧,我在夸耀我自己 (chirping of a criket) Look at my beautiful appearance!

身上披着尼龙衣 I am like wearing pretty clothes.

天下有谁比我更美丽 Who is more beautiful than me in this whole world?

14 歌名:快乐的小鸟 Happy little bird

森林里的小鸟唧唧喳喳叫 The little bird is chirping in the forest.

唧唧喳喳叫,摆摆头呀 As it's chirping, it also sway her head to and fro.

摇摇尾巴,边唱边跳真逍遥 The little bird is happy singing and swaying her tail.

从早到晚无忧无虑,只是爱欢笑 She has no worries and always happy from morning till night.

15 歌名:蚂蚁般豆 Ant moving a bean

一只蚂蚁在洞口,找到一粒豆 One ant found a bean near the entrance.

用尽力气搬不动,只是连摇头 It could not carry the bean and thus kept shaking its head.

左思右想好一番,想出好办法 It come out with a good idea.

挥动起来小朋友,努力抬着走。 It has invited his friends to carry the bean together!

16 歌名:哈巴狗 Chinese pug

一只哈巴狗,坐在大门口 There is a Chinese pug sitting at the door entrance.

眼睛黑黝黝,想吃肉骨头 He has black eyes. He also wish to eat some bones.

一只哈巴狗,吃完肉骨头 The pug has finished eating the bone.

尾巴摇一摇,向我点点头 He is happy swaying its tail and nodding at me.

17 歌名:萤火虫 Fireflies

小小萤火虫,飞到西,飞到东 Little fireflies! They are flying to the west and then to the east.

这边亮,那边亮,好像许多小灯笼 They are like many little lanterns brightening up the night!

18 歌名:守猎 Hunter song

哦,有个猎人真装备 Oh, there's a hunter who is well-trained and equipped!

它系带刀枪去打猎 He fastens a spear to his belt to go hunting.

瞧见白兔一路追, He saw a rabbit and chased after it

却撞上老虎给吓退 Who knows? He bumped into a tiger and ran away!

19 歌名:数蛤蟆 Counting the toads

一只蛤蟆,一张嘴,两个眼睛,四条腿 One toad, one mouth, two eyes, 4 legs

乒乒乓乓跳下水呀, Ping ping pong pong! It jumped into the water

蛤蟆不吃水太平年, 蛤蟆不吃水太平年 As the saying goes, if the toad does not drink water, this will be a peaceful year.

荷儿梅子兮水上漂,荷儿梅子兮水上漂。 The lillies are floating on the water always

20 歌名:喔!小海鸥 Seagull song

喔!小海鸥你真可爱,请问家住哪里? Oh! Little seagull, you are so adorable. May I know your address?

我家住在美丽海边,只有石头脚地 I stay at the beautiful beach with plenty of rocks.

我家里对碧海蓝天,风光实在美丽 My home faces the blue sky and sea. The scenery is really beautiful.

哟~啦啦啦~哟~啦啦啦~ La la la….

21 歌名:青蛙大合唱 Frog Choir

青蛙张开大嘴巴,荷叶上面叫呱呱 The frogs opens its mouth wide calling out loud while sitting on top of the lily leaf.

呱呱呱,嘟给嘟给嘟给嘟给,呱呱呱 "Gua gua gua" (Sound made by the frog)